среда, 12 февраля 2020 г.


But I can't connect over wifi or lan, it looks like firewall or dhcp aren't working correctly. I had this situation with some images: Autor maymun koji je IP tvog kompa? Skinio sam ga sa zida i posto ovih dana puno kompajliram firmware za razne platforme: Takodjer kasnije ce ici i topljeno ljepilo preko konektora da se nebi sto dogodilo. Upstream towards VPN server or downstream towards the node? Ako zelite AP staviti van dometa ruku onda to naravno nije pozeljno i tu sam lagano odustajao od cijelog projekta jer sam sve isprobao..

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Anyway, sx7763 is true for all nodes and it has nothing to do with Siemens SX specifically, so you should open another ticket if this is the problem. Discontinued Supported Since Rel: Simply remove it from your packages specification.

So that they stay for the future and will not disappear once you decide to delete it from DropBox. After exactly 5 minutes cron runs and then router reboots: Last edited 6 years ago by mitar previous diff.

With "config switch" you create two vlans, vlan1 creates eth0. Cisto da vidite kako je to izgledalo. For general usage help, see Dataentry template background. Feel free to make a pull request for that.

Siemens Gigaset SX763

Ugasiti router, zatim drzati tipku reset s doljnje strane, upaliti router i pustiti tipku nakon par seknudi. I have now merged your patches and added a small package maccfg that enables MAC addresses to be configured after boot based on UCI configuration that is generated by nodewatcher for each device.

I have now removed all the per-node experimental image attachments from this ticket as using experimental images generated for other nodes could cause conflicts in the network. Windows 7 SP1 x For example if your serial port is ttyUSB0 than do: Can you please add this router to officially build images? Autor maymun ico router ti je sada na adresi So danube has been obviously renamed to xway and this is probably the reason why the current config doesn't work. Previously there was a bridge set up automatically with the wireless device, but currently this is not the case in v3.

FL konektorom na ploci. Do you have serial port access to the node? I think we can close this ticket. Imate bolje slike na http: Then effort is probably not high.

# (Support for Siemens SX) – wlan slovenija development

But I can't connect over wifi or lan, it looks like firewall or dhcp aren't working correctly. CC Attribution-Share Alike 4. U HR se nabavlja za kn.

I had this situation with some images: Skinio sam ga sa zida i posto ovih dana puno kompajliram firmware za razne platforme: Nisam bio siguran dali se struja kroz hub vraca natrag u siemens-a pa sam cak bio kidao kabel koji povezuje usb i hub tako da bi uklonio crvenu zicu. Last edited 5 years ago by valentt previous diff.

I'll now upload config file and see if it will now work. You have two options to install OpenWrt:. Robert Oppenheimer upon witnessing the detonation of the first atomic bomb. Kad sam skoro mislio odustati palo mi je na pamet opemwrt mozda negdje na ploci se moze naci 5V. As always, please do read the OpenWRT image builder documentation.

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